Hey there. My name is Yadi Maupin and I don’t expect you to know how to pronounce either name. I’m a native of Las Vegas, Nevada that moved to Texas 5 years ago. I have never raised an animal or planted a vegetable garden before but I’m trying now because the land, it calls to you when you get there!
I’m not a perfectionist but I’m not sloppy either. I love sarcasm, laughter and craziness, which you need to embrace when you have teenagers. I am not a bubbly, preachy, health nut with beautifully curated blog pages. I see that there are so many of those in blog land and I will not compete, not because I can’t but because, uggg….that’s too much pink to display! I’m a regular chick that cackles and drinks and feels it right in the heart when friends and family are around.
I like trying new things and then sharing my experience. Come check out So Farmish. My first post titled, How did I get here?, is a great start.
Hope to see you around!
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