- Check our accounts for deposits– Before I even get out of bed and go downstairs to start coffee and laundry, I login to our bank accounts to see what has processed and what money has been deposited. When you own your own business, getting paid and paying others is a priority. I always send my husband a text of what has been deposited so that he can confirm that it matches what he submitted, even if he is in bed snoring next to me. It’s a timestamp reminder to review if we need to later that day or week. I have calendar notifications of what needs to be paid. There are some things that are on autopay, but I don’t know if you’ve experienced this issue like we have, we have had our debit cards re issued several times in a year due to possible bank fraud. That is to say, the bank has experienced bank wide fraud at a certain merchant and for their safety- really, don’t fool yourself and think it’s for you-they reissue new debit cards. It’s a pain and has caused me some issues with accounts in the past but it happens. Once I have sent the text and made transfers, I know what is due that week and plan accordingly.
- Take a load of laundry down– I could spend my entire day doing laundry and sometimes it feels like I do, but if I can get something started right away in the morning I’m a step ahead. My husband is a clothes horse and he is picky about what he wants to wear while at work so I must make sure that his most comfortable and favorite hoodies, thick wool socks and t shirts are clean and ready to go. Not me, I am very much a uniform type person. I find comfy clothes that I feel great lounging around in and I can make dressy and presentable by changing out slippers to boots or wedge heels (yeah right, it’s been months since I’ve worn heels) and maybe some earrings. Once I find something I like, I buy it in all available colors and I don’t care that I look the same every day that I pick up the kids, it’s me the individual that you are looking at, not my stylish presence. I grab a load and head downstairs or sometimes I just throw it over the side down to the landing. Because we’re upstairs, the kids downstairs, I try to minimize the amount of stair climbing I must do in a day. I should change my attitude about the 1 flight of stairs (seriously) and do it often so that maybe when I do go upstairs I don’t plop on my bed out of breath swearing that today is the day of my coronary. The dogs follow me down and I let them out to do their business, leaving Tucker (our German Shephard/Rottweiler Mix) outside and urging Chelsea (4Lb Yorkie) back inside.
- Plan the meals for the day– While I’m in the laundry room, my freezer, extra refrigerator and main pantry are in there too. I can pull out whatever meat needs to defrost for dinner and it gives me a chance to keep a running tally of what I have to stock up on at the grocery store. I try not to have too many vegetables that won’t get used in a 4 day span because they will inevitably go bad-we share with our goats and chickens before it gets to that point but still, I try to plan and buy only as needed. I loathe having a refrigerator full of leftovers and that is what my second refrigerator is for. Back in the kitchen I make my coffee or macchiato depending on my caffeine need for the day or start my oatmeal and toast if I’m feeling sort of hungry.
- Login and Research– I have the news on all day until the crime stories come on then the music channels motivate me. I research and eat breakfast while answering posts, commenting and liking items for people in my network as well as check my emails and look at Facebook and Pinterest for meal ideas and ways to improve my blog. I honestly created my blog because I love to write and love the life I’m trying to create. I’m not perfect at it and it doesn’t always work out but that is what I want to share with everyone. I have several blog challenges that I’m involved in, meant to help me improve my output but honestly, I’m trying to work on a consistent posting schedule. While the kids are home it can be hard to write or sew, which is what I need to do for the aprons I will be offering on my page. I’m just biding my time until they go back-5 more days!!
- Shower, makeup and make plans for the rest of the day– As it approaches 11:30, I know if I need to leave the house. I quick step up the stairs and get myself put together so that when my husband gets home, he doesn’t question why he puts in the long hours that he does. I make my bed, sweep, check the laundry hamper, wipe down the bathroom counter, swish the toilet with the cleaner and brush and make sure that there are fresh towels.
As for the chickens and goats, they are addressed after 12:30. The reason for this is that my chickens laying schedule isn’t complete until around that time. I can’t have them dropping eggs around the yard, so I wait until they are done to let them pasture/loiter/cause havoc around the yard. Our goats are very relaxed when Tucker isn’t giving them the run around and they are happy to chew on all the vegetation we have growing around the property so they are set.
If I can accomplish all of this- it leaves me the rest of the day to cook, write a post, fold laundry leisurely (how posh!) and engage and entertain my kids before they leave to college in about seven months. I know that I can wedge at least five more activities in there but its winter, so no gardening, tilling or weed pulling is in effect right now. My afternoons are free to experiment and learn new things- like today I learned how to make homemade mayonnaise. I learned this and through my trial and error, I can now share with you. These 5 things that make up my morning work for me for the time being. What would you like to be doing with the first five hours of your day? Let me know in the comments below.